how to draw 3d graph in java

Open up source API for 3d charts

Jzy3d is an open source java library that allows to easily depict 3d scientific data: surfaces, besprinkle plots, bar charts, and lot of other 3d primitives. The API provides support for rich interactive charts, with colorbars, tooltips and overlays. Centrality and nautical chart layout tin be fully customized and enhanced.

Relying on JOGL 2, you can easily deploy native OpenGL charts on Windows, Unix, MacOs and integrate into Swing, AWT, SWT or JavaFX. Various contributions have also fabricated Jzy3d available for other languages/platforms such every bit Scala, Groovy, Matlab, C#.

The API tin can be used freely in commercial applications. You can download and effort the API samples. A tutorial shows how to display scatters and surfaces. An extended developper guide with many lawmaking examples is also available.

Multiple nautical chart types

  • Surface charts
  • Bar charts
  • Besprinkle charts
  • 2nd & 3d graphs charts
  • Rich chart options
  • Many primitives (spheres, triangles, polygons, ...)

Piece of cake to utilise

                                                      // Define a part to plot Mapper mapper = new Mapper() { 	public double f(double 10, double y) { 		return 10 * Math.sin(x / 10) * Math.cos(y / twenty); 	} };  // Define range and precision for the function to plot Range range = new Range(-150, 150); int steps = fifty;  // Create a surface drawing that function Shape surface = Builder.buildOrthonormal(new OrthonormalGrid(range, steps), mapper); surface.setColorMapper(new ColorMapper(new ColorMapRainbow(), surface.getBounds())); surface.setFaceDisplayed(true); surface.setWireframeDisplayed(fake); surface.setWireframeColor(Color.BLACK);  // Create a chart and add together the surface Chart chart = new AWTChart(Quality.Advanced); nautical chart.add(surface);"Jzy3d Demo", 600, 600);                                                  

Flexible layout

  • Colorbars
  • Colormappers for coloring objects
  • Axe box layout with detailed tick definition and tick rendering tools
  • Contour functions
  • Tooltips
  • Background images
  • 2nd post renderers
  • Lights


  • Grid based and Delaunay surface tesselation methods
  • 3d line strip interpolation to smooth pathes (Bernstein 3d)
  • second envelopes (Convex hulls)
  • Polygon ordering for improved transparency rendering
  • Dual depth peeling: scene graph order independent transparency (expected for ane.0)
  • Matlab-like array processors and statistics tools
  • Experimental Support Vector Motorcar integration (Svm3d)


  • Mouse interaction with objects (pick & picking methods)
  • Mouse interaction with chart (rotation, zoom, scale)
  • Primal interaction with nautical chart (rotation, zoom, calibration)
  • Thread Controllers
  • Animation of objects' structures (surface, series of lines, etc)

Loftier and depression level OpenGL programming

  • Hide complexity and provide out of the box solutions for common low level OpenGL tasks.
  • Fully cutomizable framework with admission to all OpenGL native features through JOGL.

Cross platforms and compatible

  • Straightforward integration to either AWT, Swing, Eclipse RCP (SWT), or JavaFX
  • Windows, Unix, and MacOS. Android supposed to piece of work if enable appropriate JOGL jars
  • Desktop / Web (see this demo applet)
  • Offscreen rendering
  • Load from several file formats (Ply, Obj, Matlab, CSV)
  • C# port

Enterprise solutions

Jzy3d Enterprise SDKs provide out of the box solutions to hard 3d programming problems, avoiding to re-develop what has been done multiple time. We capitalize on multiple clients requirements to grow frameworks for software vendors that need advanced 3d charting without hurting.

Licence is very flexible with no royaltee. We gladly share updates of each SDK to their users. There are lite versions for small budgets which come up without source code.


SurfEdit allow you edit surface mesh using a mouse click and drag.

The surface is also presented in an excel-like table that is synchronized with drawing : table update when mesh is inverse with mouse, surface updates when tabular array cells are edited. The table has smart pair of column scroll and resize widgets to easily navigate on the 2d table-surface.

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Polar helps drawing spheric information.

The toolkit provides dedicated sphere centrality replacing traditional cube axis. Polar tesselation allows loading scan with increasing azimuth then elevation values. A dedicated polar dataset allows to hands make operations on the coordinates (arithmetics or conversions) .

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Logarithm let yous build 3d charts with log scale on any of the iii axes.

The force of log scale in Jzy3d is that it may be applied to whatever kind of chart, as the principle of applying space scaling every bit been defined in the cadre API. Logarithm SDK provides dedicated axis, views, ordering strategies and colormaps suitable for clean logarithmic charts.

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Ternary helps drawing ternary charts.

The toolkit provides a defended ternary axis replacing traditional cube centrality. The ternary surfaces are congenital using a defended data structure based on ternary statistics (which basically holds the three components and 1 variable that is used to define the Z value of a ternary point).

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Envelope allows edifice shape meshes out of unorganized input points.

Building surface or shape meshes assumes a detail point system equally input (e.k. orthonormal tesselator requires bespeak to stand on a regulat filigree in increading X and Y social club).

When input points are non organized or scan logic is to complicated to implement in a tesselation algorithm, Envelope helps building the contour of a indicate cloud.

Contact us to become Envelope.


Intersect allows processing the intersection of multiple 3d polygons.

This toolkit is usefull for processing intersection between two shapes. It tin can likewise be used to summate the contour levels of a surface which has been divers out or capricious sampled point and which has no known formula.

Contact us to go Intersect.


Dual allows displaying 2 objects with different ranges in the same plot with a double X-Y-Z axis.

This toolkit is usefull for comparing 3d shapes having very different bounds and scale.

Contact us to get Dual.

Open up source extensions

Open source extensions explore new usages and solutions for Jzy3d.


Depth peeling is an advanced rendering technic to better draw intersecting translucent objects.

This extension is a port of NVidia algorithms for Jzy3d. 4 depth peeling variations are implemented using GLSL shaders and fragments.

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BigPicture provides few drivers to big data storage to assistance draw massive corporeality of points.

Yous don't have to care about resultset size : chart won't freeze with dataset size. Drawables use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects to load data in GPU once and render smoothly subsequently.

Readers have been implemented for HBase, Hive and Spark.

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Graphs allows processing layouts of 3d graphs and draw them.

We derive Gephi Toolkit and simply add a dimension to nearly of the existing force based layouts (ForceAtlas3d, OpenOrd3d). Demonstrations show how the Gephi Toolkit is wrapped to simplify data binding between Jzy3d and Gephi.

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Svm3D allows building a surface out of the regression of an input signal cloud.

Support Vector Machine can process good surface regression of N-dimensional vectors. Svm3d estimates a surface from an input 3d scatter. The estimated surface minimize a global mistake to input training point.

This extension is based on the Java port of LibSVM which allows retrieving and drawing the model internal state.

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